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Rubanda Postal Code

Here is a list of postal codes that you can refer to and copy for your use.

40737 - Bubare

40701 - Butanda

40713 - Butare

40731 - Butoboore

40717 - Bwindi

40734 - Bwindi

40703 - Enchuya

40728 - Hamurwa

40729 - Igomanda

40711 - Ikamiro

40715 - Kaara

40709 - Kabere

40705 - Kacherere

40738 - Kagarama

40706 - Kagunga

40730 - Kakore

40712 - Karengyere

40716 - Kashaasha

40702 - Kashasha

40732 - Kashenyi

40726 - Kiirima

40704 - Kishanje

40718 - Kitojo

40719 - Kiyebe

40710 - Kyenyi

40725 - Mpungu

40707 - Mugyera

40720 - Mushanje

40735 - Muyanje

40733 - Nangara

40723 - Nyakabungo

40721 - Nyamabare

40708 - Nyamiryango

40736 - Nyamiyaga

40722 - Nyaruhanga

40714 - Nyarurambi

40724 - Ruhonwa

40727 - Shebeya

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