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Kashari Postal Code

Here is a list of postal codes that you can refer to and copy for your use.

40358 - Bitsya

40345 - Bukiro

40371 - Bunenero

40379 - Bunutsya

40363 - Bwengule

40370 - Itara

40357 - Kabare

40377 - Kakoma

40348 - Kakyerere

40353 - Kaliro

40356 - Karwensanga

40340 - Kashaka

40341 - Kashoko

40339 - Katojo

40351 - Katyazo

40378 - Khakika

40359 - Kibingo

40375 - Kishasha

40381 - Kyahi

40360 - Kyandahi

40352 - Mabira

40368 - Mirongo

40365 - Mitozo

40342 - Mugarutsya

40366 - Nchune

40361 - Ngango

40364 - Nsiika

40362 - Ntura

40367 - Nyabisirira

40373 - Nyabuhama

40355 - Nyamiriro

40347 - Nyanja

40376 - Nyarubanga

40344 - Nyarubungo

40346 - Rubingo

40343 - Rugarama

40369 - Ruhunga

40372 - Rushozi

40349 - Rutooma

40354 - Rwamuhiigi

40350 - Rwebishekye

40380 - Rwendigyina

40374 - Rwenjeru

40338 - Rwenshanku

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