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Vihiga Postal Code

Vihiga County is an administrative region in the former Western Province of Kenya. Its headquarters and largest town is Mbale.

Here is a list of postal codes that you can refer to and copy for your use.

5 0302 - Chamakanga

5 0317 - Chavakali

5 0314 - Emuhaya

5 0303 - Eregi

5 0318 - Gambogi

5 0304 - Gisambai

5 0312 - Hamisi

5 0305 - Kaimosi

5 0306 - Khumusalaba

5 0315 - Kilingili

5 0313 - Kiritu

5 0307 - Luanda

5 0300 - Maragoli

5 0428 - Muluanda

5 0308 - Serem

5 0309 - Tiriki

5 0310 - Vihiga

5 0311 - Wodanga

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