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Muranga Postal Code

Murang'a County is one of the counties of Kenya's former Central Province. Its capital and most populous town is Murang'a.

Here is a list of postal codes that you can refer to and copy for your use.

1 0232 - Gakungu

1 0212 - Gatara

1 0213 - Gikoe

0 1032 - Githumu

1 0209 - Gitugi

1 0235 - Huduma Muranga

1 0227 - Ichichi

0 1033 - Ini

1 0210 - Ini

1 0206 - Kahuhia

1 0201 - Kahuro

1 0214 - Kahuti

1 0215 - Kairo

0 1014 - Kakuzi

1 0217 - Kamahuha

1 0226 - Kambiti

0 1034 - Kandara

1 0218 - Kangari

1 0202 - Kangema

1 0220 - Kanyenyaini

1 0231 - Kariua

0 1020 - Kenol

1 0203 - Kigumo

1 0207 - Kihoya

1 0204 - Kiriaini

1 0244 - Kora

1 0205 - Maragua

1 0233 - Mbiri

0 1023 - Mukerenju

1 0200 - Muranga

0 1024 - Muruka

1 0208 - Saba

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