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Kajiado County Postal Code - Kenya

Kajiado County is a county in the former Rift Valley Province of Kenya. It consists of a number of administrative districts are Kajiado Central, Isinya, Loitokitok, Magadi, Mashuru, Namanga and Ngong.

Below, you'll find a selection of postal codes available for your reference and use.

0 1101 - Bissel

0 0214 - Ilasit

0 1100 - Kajiado

0 1105 - Kajiado West

0 0215 - Kimana

0 0206 - Kiserian

0 0241 - Kitengela

0 0209 - Loitokitok

0 0205 - Magadi

0 1103 - Mashuru

0 0207 - Namanga

0 0208 - Ngong Hills

0 0213 - Oltepesi

0 0511 - Ongata Rongai

0 0210 - Thigio

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